Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Butter wars

Today I decided to see if my (amazing) home made butter is better than anchors. Here are my findings:


Liz's: wouldn't look out of place in Selfridges or Harrods. Has a certain elegance.

Anchor: yellow, which reflects the yellow butteryness within. Nowt special.


Liz's: quite solid...probably because of it's high quality.

Anchor: easy to spread. Gits.


Liz's: mild. Tastes of butter.

Anchor: think they put salt in theirs. Tastes of butter.

Score so far is a draw...Liz wins on presentation, but anchor snatched a win for spreadability, and the two butter makers are drawing on taste...there is only one thing for it!

Fish's verdict

Blub blub blub blub

...Liz wins!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

New fish

Today my flatmate, Ethelred, and I got some fish. Six cardinal tetras. We named them Sushi, Calamari, Scampi, Sparrow, Pope and Captain Nick Fury ('cause the poor bugger's only got one eye).

Watching these fish fly about has made me realise how much easier my life would be if I was a fish. Having wet hair would cease to be annoying. Clothes would not exist to stress me out in the morning. I would never have to bother with nail files (I feel like I can HEAR the noise they make, don't like it). As it is, I am a stressed out human. Siiiiggghhhh first world problems.

Have stopped using my voodoo chalk board. After causing the download bus to break down, mud at download, and potentially annoying several people I don't like, I have decided to use my voodoo powers for good. I do not know how I will do this yet. It is likely I will revert to trying to annoy people by writing their names on it. And drawing them.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Sea monkey song

Soft fishy, warm fishy, little wiggly fiiish

happy fishy sleepy fishy

Swish, swish, swish