Saturday, 12 July 2014

Look skinny...teeheehee

On twitter I follow a lot of healthy tweeters - recipes, pictures of fruit, that sort of thing.  But a lot of them have been retweeting some intense weight loss products - diet pills, diet teas, fat burners...and they all show the following kind of image:

The image can be a man or a woman, and they are super slim (bit unlike me, soz) and they hold out their jeans to indicate their weight loss.  Which really annoys me, because the people in the pictures are clearly wearing trousers that are a billion sizes too big, which does not show that a magic product made them lose weight.  It shows that the person in the picture:

a) is crap at buying trousers that fit 
b) has a weird nostalgiafor trousers that are now too big for them (HOARDERS)
c) stole a fat person's trousers
d) sat on their ass for 2 days and stretched their trousers out (like moi)
e) wears maternity trousers and jeggings

Basically, I hate all adverts, unless they are selling chocolate,because chocolate is always good and makes no false claims.

PS - I have lost, like, a pound since this picture was taken, so I probably look mega skinny now.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

The Loch

I was having a lovely walk around a loch, taking photos of swans, chasing dragonflies, when a ghost pushed me (or I slipped on some gravel) and I fell into the loch.  Luckily I slid in, and I was far away from stinging nettles, so no injuries.  Trousers were soaked up to the knee, and my shoes made squelching noises as I walked back to my accommodation, dignity semi-intact.

I have managed to dry my shoes with a hairdryer, and aside from a faint pond scent, I think they are okay, maybe a bit damp.  Being a sensible person, I had spare trousers and shoes in my suitcase.

Managed to locate a student laundry place, and have put trousers in wash.  Charmed a nice student for some washing powder, although he looked a bit suspect, so there is a possibility that I am washing my trousers with cocaine.  No fabric softener, sadly.

I then went to some lectures in my spare trousers, was chewing a biro (which I don't usually do, I was clearly in an anxious state as I was wearing unplanned trousers), and the biro leaked ink all over me.  Got it off my face easily enough, but my smart white top is now speckled blue.

I am happier now as I have had a glass of wine and met a squirrel.