Monday, 12 November 2012

Karma revisited

Dear Karma,

I'm beginning to lose my patience. Some people have wronged me in the past, and they are not suffering sufficiently. I do not think it is acceptable that they still have two eyebrows and have not sat on any whoopee cushions in their lectures.

This is just not good enough.

When people wrong me, I look to you, Karma, to ensure that they are punished. They should be falling into lion pits, losing all their hair, or finding that their toenails are growing at an uncontrollable pace. They should not be prancing about like Mary bloody Poppins as if they're not horrible human beings.

You've given me some good karma, I'll grant you that, but if you do not start dishing out the bad karma, you will be owed some bad karma for further annoying me.

You have been warned.

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