Sunday, 22 July 2012


Have returned from holiday, so everything is crap as it is no longer sunny and my tan is due to fade.  There is also no ice cream.  Schade.

When on a cruise ship, I have learnt that there are certain things you must avoid doing:

1.  'iceberg, right ahead!' - even if you say this when on the back of the ship (i.e. sailing away from the non-existent iceberg) people still panic.  So don't do it.

2.  'this lifts going down a lot  faster than usual' when in a crowded lift.  Only the deaf will remain in the lift with you.

3.  'what flavour ice cream is there?' when the sea is choppy.  People will get sick.

I still haven't unpacked.  My room is like the dead sea; near impossible to wade through when I need to put mascara on.  Which reminds me, putting mascara on when you are on a ship is near impossible, I kept jabbing myself in the eye.  Walking in heels was also a lot harder...I did my usual 'walking in heels routine' where I pretend I'm super Mario, and I get points for overcoming obstacles like steps, slippery floors, and pensioners.

I am thinking of learning a musical instrument again.  I'd quite like to revisit the piano, but I also really like the idea of playing the bagpipes.  I could be like the pied piper of Hamelin, and could adapt my skills to get all of the rubbish men out of Scotland, leaving only hot and eligible gentlemen.

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