Thursday, 1 March 2012


As I have already stated, I am currently on a quest to lose a few pounds (if anyone asks how many, I will END them). Instead of taking mad diet pills, or another juice fast (which ended in me eating an entire 14" pizza), I have decided to take the sensible option and COUNT MY CALORIES.

The problem is calories tend to sneak up on you when you least expect it.

How could anyone know my veggie pasta bolognese would have 350 cals?! It's pasta and soya!!! And red wine - why are there calories in liquids? This shouldn't be allowed; I want calorie free alcohol.

Chocolate I knew would be high calorie but I eat it anyway because it is my right as a raging hormonal woman. Plus I have a cold, and you're supposed to feed a cold. As this is a particularly fat-bastard cold, it definitely needed some chocolate.

Anyway, the upshot is I've gone over my calorie allowance for today, have had to change my evening wine to a small glass, and even then I am going to need to drag people out dancing so I can burn off some calories that way.

Sea monkeys don't need to diet. Bastards.

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