Sunday, 4 March 2012


Today I got thinking about texting, and text conversations.  Texting is great because it means you don't have to phone;  there's no awkward 'okay gotta go now, bye...oh wait you've just started up talking again'.  You can just not text back.  However, we all have that one friend who never ends the text cycle.  I think I might be that friend for a lot of people.  I had this friend a while ago, but they moved to the USA meaning I now have a valid excuse not to text them ever.  Conversations would go something like this:

Me: Home now, had fab night, see you soon!
Textaholic: Me too! What are you doing now?
Me: Erm...going to bed. You?
Textaholic: Same! Just brushing my teeth. It's cold, isn't it?
Me: Yes. I'm getting a hot water bottle.
Textaholic: Oh good idea, I'm going to do that too! And I'm putting the heating on. Have you got yours on?
Me: Yep xx
Textaholic: Good, you don't want to catch a cold! What're you up to now?
Me: In bed, about to go to sleep...
Textaholic: Me too!!! Are you reading your book?

This is where I used to turn my phone off, and text in the morning saying 'sorry, fell asleep xxx' at which point to horrendous text cycle would resume.

x's in text messages are proportional to one of the following:

a) how much you like a person
b) guilt for feeling you've not seen that person enough recently
c) friendly attempt to end the conversation

In other text-related news, this morning my mother texted me saying 'ook'.  When I asked her what she meant, she explained that she was being an orang-utan.

And people think I'M strange.

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