Sunday, 29 April 2012

lazy sunday

This afternoon I have been trying to do my uni work, but instead spent three hours attempting to do my online shopping.  The Sainsbury's website is crap and does not work, it is impossible to find anything and I hate hate hate it.  I don't understand why nothing comes up when I search for low fat cooking oil; I even wrote 'flora' to help them find what I was after.  Despite the challenges I faced, I remained undaunted and managed to complete my shopping.  Sainsbury's had an offer on frozen fruit so I am slightly appeased.

Sadly this delay means I am spending my evening wading my way through books, and because I am tired all I have managed to learn it that it really is the winter of my discontent.

My neighbours now have pan pipes.  They have not yet mastered their accordion or trombone, so I think they ought to try a simpler instrument before attempting pan pipes.  And quieter.

Really fancy some toast.  Buttt I don't have a toaster or bread.  Also not entirely sure how to use a toaster; if you can't see the bread toasting, how can you know it's ready?  They need to invent clear toasters, like how ovens now have clear doors so that you can see what is happening inside them.

I have another invention idea: spray on vinegar.  So that your chips don't get drowned in the stuff.

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