Sunday, 3 February 2013

I care which little ratbag started it

I've been thinking recently about the phrase 'I don't care who started it'. Teachers used to say this a lot in school, and the more I think about it, the more lazy and irresponsible it seems.

Firstly, as a teacher, you are PAID to care. Your job is to teach those ragamuffins, not totally dismiss the cause of issues amongst them by declaring you don't care who started it.

Secondly, in a court of law, that would never, ever stand. Can you imagine if I tried mugging someone, they fought back, and the judge boomed 'I don't care who started it, you shouldn't be fighting!'?

I know investigating these things is a pain in the arse, but I think not acknowledging who is the root cause of a squabble or fight is still important. At the moment, we are telling kids that it doesn't matter if you start a row because you will both get punished equally, I.e. you can be a dick to someone and they'll get punished as well as having had you being a dick to them. Hahahhaaaa!

I propose trials for all those over the age of 3. Obviously sometimes the wrong outcome will be made, but this teaches youngsters that 1. Life isn't fair and 2. That you will still have a 'fair' trial in which to see that life isn't fair.

Welcome to the real world, folks.

1 comment:

  1. Teachers are not paid to care! We're paid to teach, not get involved in petty squabbles. If its something serious something is done about it but otherwise wingy teenagers should sort it out by themselves and get over it. That's life, dealing with conflict and learning how to deal with it yourself. It's an important lesson.
