Monday 30 September 2013


Today I have decided to review some products.

1. Bobble

Bobble is a water bottle with a built-in filter.  Despite not needing to filter the water in the area in which I live, this bottle has coaxed me away from buying bottled water, and so will save me lots of money, making me rich.  The downside?  It leaked into my handbag and made my cling filmed biscuit soggy.  So I carry it in my hands now.

2.  Marks and Spencers cakes

This seems so obvious - markies is great so clearly their cakes are also super yummy.  But they are also lower in calories than Mr Kippling and tescos own.  So I felt the need to review them as very good.

3.  The new Bridget Jones' Diary book

Well, if she's killing off Colon Firth's character, what is the bloody point in life?  We should all just give up.

4.  Marks and Spencers cakes

Needed to cope with the stress of new Bridget Jones' diary book.

5. Bobble

Washes down all the cakes I have eaten to cope with aforementioned life ruinng book.

I may be a little distressed today.

Sunday 15 September 2013

For anyone who is thinking about a nose job...

Here is my blog on septorhinoplasty:

Will update it tomorrow, and every few days thereafter.